Registration form

Why register?

Registration is simply the bit of reciprocation required of you to gain access to the greater part of the Pathsplitter materials. They are being made available free of charge, though considerable intellectual labor has gone into creating them. You make a single committment in registering, and that is not to use, quote or excerpt the Pathsplitter materials without proper attribution of their source: as a minimum, and augmented with authorship where such is supplied. The information you provide in registering inluding your email address will never be made available to any third party for any purpose, private or public. Its sole purpose is to document the fact that you have registered and to enable the Pathsplitter site to contact you if occasion should arise (anticipated to be a rare occurrence). There is no catch, trick, or hidden purpose connected with registration. It is just what it says: a registration for access. The Pathsplitter.

First name
Last name
Email address *
Desired username (3-10 letters)
* Note that email address will be used to send Your password. You will not be able to register without a valid email address.